A Flag filled Birthday
I was once a soldier young a proud. Proud to serve with men who lived for the Red, White and Blue. Red for blood of sacrifice to keep us free, White for the purity of heart demanded of servants to a higher cause of our country's well being, and Blue for the unity of effort required to block our threats to our great land.
There we stood guard for an hour in front of those who went before us...
I've stood guard, but never been asked to fight...not like those who once and still guard against the terrors of the night...
The soldiers you see here were once the ones I served as an officer...I know not where they are now, but I pray for them as I do for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice.
Happy Birthday U.S. Army. May you continue to serve with honor for a long, long time.
Color Guard of Charlie Rock! C/4-12 Infantry. Baumholder, Germany 1994 deployed to....
Luxembourg American Military Cemetary