Barring Our Doors to God
This week we listened to several powerful readings about the woes of Israel under the Prophet Eli. Eli refused to correct his sons when in error and sin, and then allowed them to lead others into confusion. Thousands died, and the Philistines captured the Arc of the Covenant as a result his failure to evangelize in a difficult situation. We also heard the story of Eli thinking a woman, Hannah, praying fervently for a child was drunk and only reluctantly ministers to her as a priest of Israel.
Both of these stories struck home to me since I cannot unsee the chaos in my church right now. I see so many good people, religious and laymen, who will not evangelize their flock and family in the magisterial tradition of the church. Of course where God’s wisdom is not sown by those bestowed with spiritual authority, man’s knowledge and earthly values will take hold to lead them astray. Where heartfelt worship of God is looked on with disdain by those with spiritual authority, despair will engulf the poor in spirit.
As a young man I was proud to see in my church many different forms of expressing ones spirituality. I knew evangelicals, I knew those steeped in traditions of their grandparents, and I knew those who embraced the New Mass. I always thought it wonderful people could stay inside the same dogmatic theology, while embracing the personality traits and charisms given to them by God. Each in their own way was willing to take different actions and risks to help bring people to Christ.
Sadly this is not the path many prelates seek to follow today. Some in power, think they can suddenly ban what is dogmatically correct. To strengthen their argument, they change the catechism based on opinion and not tested theology. These same people think they can make a new practice which will allow sinners to stay in sin, wallow in their own pride, and still have hope of obtaining heaven. Still others administer the church as if it is a business, and there is nothing in their actions which really make them spiritually connected to their saintly forefathers.
Such prelates and laymen are simply the new Eli’s. The vengeance which I see lashed out against people of faith, shows these prelates to be scared of the diversity of expositions of faith built into the history of the church . I would fault them not if the diversity was rooted in heresy or even minor error. This is not the case however when those banned are doing something dogmatically correct and personally enriching.
I will pray for softened hearts, which turn toward God when called in all of us. I will pray abuses of authority will end, and all will set themselves facing East. There we will listen to the call of the Son of God passed down through the ages to guide us through today’s challenges. I will pray those who need solitude in caves find it. I will pray those who need a specific wisdom filled community find one to match their needs. I will pray those who follow the “little way” or those called to make a big wave advance the kingdom of God in their domains. I will pray those barring the doors to God’s wisdom and his sacraments make way for the Lord instead.
Finally, I will forgive these modern Eli’s and the damage those of his family cause. For in their actions they forced me to reaffirm that in my house we stand with I AM WHO AM and all his wisdom.