Want to Learn Photography? Four Steps to Success.
I listened to several podcasts about improving one’s photography during my drives to and from work. All ended up being highly informative! In the end though there ends up being no substitute for a four step method to improving one’s craft. None of these steps involve spending more money or improving one’s gear! So are you ready for the great reveal?
1) Read something about technique, your gear or artistic framework. Resources can be your camera manual, info tips inside your camera menus, a photo blog, or an art book of some type!
Our garden flowers . OMD-EM10 mkII with little collapsable kit lens 14-42mm 3.5-5.6
2) Take your camera and try to do what you learned! If you need more instruction cross reference and problem solve! Books and videos are great…but no one EVER grew in capability without doing something themselves.
The boys TONKA Truck (survivor of four boys and others before them!) OMD-EM10 mkII with 45mm F1.8
3) Assess your results. Be honest with yourself. Be tough, like a TONKA truck. Through the garbage photos out, and only keep the ones which worked. If none worked go back to step one and repeat! No harm and no foul! Even if you do everything right, not all of the photos worked out as something you want to share. GREAT! You heard me…GREAT! Remember the successes and the rough spots so you can do great things again on your next shoot! Yes you read that right!
OMD-EM10 mkII with 45mm F.18
4) Repeat the process again and again! The craft of photography is part science and part art. Different people, moods, lighting situations, gear changes all make this a never ending puzzle of possibility for growth. I really think this is why I love photography.
Everything you see here took place with an under $500 camera and kit lens as well as a $190 used portrait lens. One processed in camera (yes using the little filters!) and the others with basic edits in Capture One Pro 12. (I could edit these photos in a free program and get close to these results as well).
Oh I have so much to learn in this craft of photography! I just needed to share these not so secret secrets. Until next time…I’m headed back to the Four Steps to Success once again!