Virginia Farm Sunrise

I received a quite a bit of grace last week visiting my parents...

Great family times, great children, extended family visits and quite a lot of photo opportunities.

Of the five days we spent on the farm only one gave me good morning light.  It was a chilly morning, but don't those always seem to be the best?  The chill making you remember you are alive and better move quick?!

Well my mother was feeding my youngest and said. "I love sunrises."  So I grabbed my camera, and a final sip of coffee, before I jumped out the door camera in hand.  My mom did not know I was out the door until my 10 month old spotted me out by the barn working the scene trying to find a shot.

I hope it brightens your day!  It sure did mine! It ended up being one of my favorites from the week.

(For the techies: In Camera HDR, supported on a makeshift bean bag of potting soil, edited by a quick trip through iPad Snapseed. Pentax K-5 with a Sigma 18-50 EX F2.8 OS)
