Miami Day 2
Good Morning Miami! @ 540AM
After a rough introduction Sunday, Miami provided a lot of fun today. The town is an engineering marvel. Everywhere I turn in downtown there is something fantastic to capture. The people also have a rather nice temperment here to us tourists...especially those that don't speak the prefered language downtown, Spanish. The town does shine with a Central and Southern America twist. You can see it in the business links, food, culture, and vibrancy of the town. Despite all that it does really have an American flavor to it all. In the business district there is the normal go get 'em attitude I found in New York earlier this year. So all in all I am finding exploration here rather fun.
The old Miami Freedom Tower..once a newspaper's home and now a museum to Cuban Culture
I am enjoying the juxiposition of the classic 1920's Miami and modern day construction. The bridges between islands are facinating...and the huge skyscapers extending all the way to the water's edge. Wow!
Even inside our hotel there are so many fun things to photograph...outside my room by the elevator these lights just screamed to be photographed.
Oh I hope tomorrow to get even better light to photograph this remarkable town.
P.S. All photos shot with the Fujifilm X-E1 and the XF23mm lens. I took the day to practice with one lens and one focal length. I did this to make my mind conceive and execute the photo in a 35mm equivalent on a 35mm film camera. The lens is fantastic. I just need to get better at using it.
One other interesting test I made was to work harder at using the internal controls of the camera to create the tonal curves. One, Three and Four are examples of this with minimal cropping or alignment corrections in Snapseed. The camera is much better than I am still.