Dodo Bird spotted in Alpharetta!
Contrary to most textbooks, the dodo bird does show up from time to time in the wild. This one wore a mask to disguise itself amongst the busy downtown Alpharetta Canton Street.
For this photo I did a little bit of work in Capture One 7 Perfect Effects. One thing I've learned is that many, many effects can be done in your primary photo editor. Programs like Perfect Effects and the Nik products (I own both) can make the process of having fun with your image faster. Yes there will be some things you can only do in Photoshop, but reality is that for 95% of your work these tools will do just fine. Yes I did use some one shot HDR work with Perfect Effects for RC Conception says...everything can look better in HDR.
PS Fujifilm X-E1 with the old 18-55 again. The darn thing is just so versatile!