Generation to Generation Toys
If you ever get a chance to look at a list of the top ten toys history ever will not find last year's Christmas craze on them. You will instead find toy cars, soldiers, trains and digging supplies for boys. For girls I am sure you will find dolls, stuffies and all their accessories. I know there are exceptions out there, but the reality is you will not find many! This is what kids play with!
So here we have Uncle Micheal's trucks out back one more time. At home we have the matchbox and airplane toys from both myself and my brother...and even my uncle (or my kids Great Uncle). These toy trucks and planes are universal hits. When built American tough, like a child, they will last generations.
It got me to wondering...if toys go from generation to generation why don't we look closer at lessons from the past. I'm sure what God said 5,000 years ago or 2000 years ago really still has some staying power. It might help us in our present circumstances!